Choose Freedom


This will be brief and to the point.

I am thankful that you are here and reading my post, but I want to share an important video that all of us need to listen to.

It is a concise but powerful speech by Senator Rand Paul. So please send it in via social media or share it in an email. Text the link to a friend or family member. Or play it for them. We must not think that these small acts are useless and unimportant or that you and I cannot impact this world for good.

We all must do our part. I choose freedom, and I know most do, but we don`t get to keep it because we want to. We get to keep it only if we are willing to do whatever it takes.

If we don`t stand right now, we will not be able to shortly.

Do not let fear rule you but;

“trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”
Proverbs 3:5,6

“Senator Rand Paul, do not comply.”


This video was posted on Gab by Danzirin. Link to Gab social media